Monday, December 27, 2021

Individual Therapy Fayetteville, GA - A Quick Guide to Keeping things in Perspective

It is the best time of the year when loved ones come from far and wide to celebrate the holidays and the end of the year as you ring in the news. For some, It may be a depressing time, a time they once loved, but because of circumstances or tragedy, it has never been the same for them, and they are saddened because of it. For others, it is very stressful because they pressure themselves and feel pressured by others to organize, piece together, deal with uncompromising individuals, and spend lots of money.

At Doute Counseling Services, we want everyone to enjoy the holiday season, which is why we are here to support you and help you manage your mental health. We offer individual therapy in Fayetteville, GA. Call us at (678) 489-7384 or visit our website for more details.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Help with Depression Fayetteville, GA - Christmas Stress Got You Down?

The Christmas Holiday is supposed to be about cheer, festivities, and happiness. But what happens when the holiday celebration is making you feel anything but? Many people become upset, stressed, and maybe even depressed when they cannot buy every person on their family and friends list a gift. Whether due to time, money, or resources, what could be worse than receiving a gift and returning an empty hand? 86% of people in the U.S said they feel pressured to spend more than they are comfortable on Christmas gifts.

Remember that you are not alone! Want to learn more on how to manage holiday depression, stress, and anxiety? Call us at (678) 489-7384 for help with depression in Fayetteville, GA, or visit our website for more information.